Andreas Mourtzoukos
Saxophones Thru Electronics, Cross-Platform Media and Interactive Audiovisuals
SAXELECTRO PROJECT LIVE is Saxophone Audiovisual Performances based on Generative Processing in Sound Creation, Music Composition, Improvisation and Visuals
Saxelectro Project Live is not meant to highlight the saxophonist's skills. Saxelectro Project was created to approach other ways of using and editing the saxophonic sound, creating new sounds and soundscapes. Also to explore new ways using the instrument as itself (like controller for example) within a Live Performance. Through this concept, audiovisual recordings also arise. © Andreas Mourtzoukos 2010 #saxelectroartist
Andreas Mourtzoukos aka Saxelectro is the first Greek artist presenting his artistic action personally, without any support via Live Streaming. Since 2014 started his own Internet Broadcasts in order to present his Artworks around the World named Saxelectro Audiovisual via his website linked to Since December 2015 Andreas having expanded his knowledge about the Live streaming, updated his webcasts in HD and introduces his Educational Platform Jazz Online Lessons A Project which is the result of of his long career in music industry and education.
Έρχονται για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα τα Saxelectro Livestream Sessions του Ανδρέα Μουρτζουκου! Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να παρακολουθήσουν την Performance κατευθείαν από τον καλλιτεχνη με τα πιο σύγχρονα μέσα επικοινωνίας, από κάθε μέρος της Ελλάδας αλλά και της ομογένειας σε όλον τον πλανήτη!!
Digital Schenography
Since November 2015 Andreas Mourtzoukos starts working as Digital Scenographer using his skills in Cross - Media Performing Arts, Digital Design and Theater. Having his own Cross - Media Setup for Big Screen projections and special Video Mappings, designs his own creations for Concerts, Theatrical Performances and Operas.
Copyright 2010-22 Andreas Mourtzoukos Saxelectro. All rights reserved